Making your home appealing for a winter sale

Nobody likes a cold and draughty home, and if you are getting your home ready for a winter sale, you want people to know how warm and toasty their future home will be. Before Jack Frost starts nipping at your toes, and ice crystals blanket your lawn, you want to plug all those gaps that allows cold air to bring down the temperature in your home.

A warm and dry home is important for your family’s health, so it is critical to make sure you keep the temperature between 18 and 21 degrees.

Up to 20 percent of heating can be lost through draughts, so your first step should be tracking down and blocking any openings – around doors and windows – to trap that warm air inside and keep the cold out.

Insulation is a smart way to keep a home warm and minimise heating costs. A well-insulated home provides a healthier living environment as it reduces dampness and condensation, while maintaining heat.

Underfloor and ceiling insulation is now compulsory in rentals where it is reasonably practicable to install. However, if you need more insulation to trap in the warmth, there are government subsidies available to help homeowners and landlord.

Once you have your home warm and toasty, and you want to sell, now it the time to make your house look warm.

Spinning the colour wheel and adding a lick of warm coloured paint is an easy way to bring warmth to a room. Warm lighting and natural light add to the ambience. Also, warm coloured bulbs throw out softer light and give a cosy feel to a room.

Although outdoor plants are mostly dormant to survive the winter, indoor plants will thrive in your warm home. Not only do indoor plants contribute to a cosy and inviting feel, by grouping different shaped pots you can create a focal feature.

Do not overlook the outside, although we spend most of our time inside this time of the year, street appeal still matters when you are selling your property during winter.

Get out the water blaster and clear away green slime and dirt. Clean out the gutters, remove any stray leaves to make your home look inviting during the coldest and wettest months.

Those finishing touches, like a soft blanket tastefully laid across a chair, or placing inviting cushions on a couch will help create those first impressions that count.

Once you have your home feeling and looking warm and inviting, you know you have ticked all the boxes and you are now ready for a winter open home.

NEWS Residential Winter
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